Our Dedicated Caretakers at Healing Touch Home Care

At Healing Touch Home Care, we believe that the heart of exceptional home care lies in the hands of our dedicated caretakers. Our team of compassionate, trained professionals is the cornerstone of the high-quality care we provide to our clients. We understand that finding the right caregiver is a crucial decision, and we take pride in our exceptional caretakers who are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Services Provided by Our Caretakers

Personal Care: Assistance with activities of daily living, including bathing, dressing, grooming, and toileting.

Medication Management: Ensuring medications are taken as prescribed and providing education on medications.

Meal Preparation: Planning and cooking nutritious meals based on dietary needs and preferences.

Transportation: Assisting with errands, medical appointments, and social outings.

Respite Care: Offering temporary relief to family caregivers to prevent burnout and provide necessary rest.

Specialized Care: Our caretakers are trained to provide specialized care, including Alzheimer's and dementia care, chronic disease management, and post-surgical care.
