Welcome to modern and day care clinic . Modern and day care clinic founded on the principle to provide good health to every individual in an affordable manner.Here we integrate allopathy, Chinese medicine ,quantum electromagneticresonance therapy to cure all your health problems.

Whole body screening : Whole body screening, often referred to as whole-body health check or full-body scan, is a medical procedure that involves a comprehensive evaluation of a person's overall health and well-being. It typically includes various medical tests and imaging studies to assess the health of different organs and systems within the body. The specific tests and screenings involved can vary, but they generally aim to detect potential health issues, diseases, or abnormalities at an early stage when they may be more easily treatable.

Acupressure : Acupressure is a traditional healing technique that involves applying manual pressure to specific points on the body, known as acupressure points or acupuncture points. It is derived from traditional Chinese medicine and shares similarities with acupuncture, but instead of using needles, acupressure relies on the application of pressure using the fingers, thumbs, palms, or specialized tools.

Modern medicine : Modern medicine, also known as allopathic or conventional medicine, refers to the contemporary approach to healthcare that is based on scientific principles, evidence-based practices, and the use of advanced medical technology and pharmaceuticals to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases and health conditions.
