Mobile : +91 9443 720079, +91 9843598986

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Running, Jumping & quick lateral movements done in Basketball provide a significant amount of aerobic exercise and can burn a great deal of calories. Basketball can help you develop cardio vascular endurance, develop concentration & self discipline, build bone strength, better motor skills , co-ordination, strength training, mental development and enhance confidence.

Keeping this in mind GSC has provided 2 basketball concrete courts with permanent flood light facilities. GSC offers coaching for school boys, girls, college students & adults separately in both morning & evening sessions with professional and experienced coaches.

Name - Kumanan.P

Qualification - B.P.ED

Exp - 21 years

Tamilnadu Basketball Coach



Monday to Saturday

Coaching : 5.00 P.M. - 6.30 P.M.

Membership : 5.30 A.M. - 8.30 A.M.

Open for 7 days to Membership 
