+91 6369975492 | +91 8940964540 | +91 6379956529

About Our Company

Sri Thai Bio-Organics Centre was established in 2020 as a sole proprietorship-based firm. The company provides good quality products to the clients. We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Bio-Fertilizers, Bio-Pesticides, Bio- Enhancers, Organic-Fertilizers, Organic Water Soluble Fertilizers, Organic Growth promoters, and more. A range of products are provided per the market demand at cost-effective prices. We strive for Continuous improvement in the product range and Product quality. With the idea that, if the shelf life of the biological products is improved from 4-6 months to above one year and CFU/ml from 10^7 to 10^9, then these Bio-logical inputs like Bio-Fertilizers, Bio-controls, and Bio-pesticides could become an alternative to the chemical inputs for the nutrition, diseases, and Pest control in Agricultural and Horticulture crops.


The founder of the Company is Mr.C. Nandha Kumar, B.sc Bio-technology, M.sc, Nutrition and Food Technology, Dip. Agri Input, Professional Work, high-quality goods.
