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Recommend Crops: Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton,Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage,
Cashew,Beetroot, Carrot,Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc

Benefits of SILENT GROW:

Disease Management:

Controls Blasts, Blight, Damping off, Leaf spot, Root Rot, wilt, Mango Anthracnose,Tea Blister Blight, Banana wilt etc...

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment: Mix 20ml SILENT GROW with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes. Apply it to the Soil through Water(Drip)


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil.Mix 2 Litres of SILENT -GROW Per acre with 200 litres of water and apply through fertigation.
Drip Irrigation: Apply 2 litres of SILENT-GROW Per acre.



Recommend Crops:

Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton,Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage,Cashew,Beetroot, Carrot,Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc.

Benefits of BIO- MIRROR SHOT

BIO-MIRROR SHOT is produced from Bacillus ,a plant growth promoting rhizobacterium shown to synthesize antifungal peptides. It lives in the environment and protects the crops effectively from fungal and bacterial pathogen.Bio subtilis is also reported to induce systemic acquired resistance (SAR) against bacterial pathogens. free-living, nitrogen fixing.

Disease Management:

Controls disease-causing pathogens like pythium, Alterneria, Xanthomonas, Rhizoctonia,Botrytis, Oidiopsia, Alterneria, Leveillula, phagophore, Sclerotium, phytophthora,root wilt, seedling rot,early blight and mildew disease in crops.

Method of Application

Seed Treatment: Mix 20ml BIO- MIRROR SHOT with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes. Apply it to the Soil through Water(Drip)


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil. Mix 2 Litres of BIO- MIRROR SHOT Per acre with 200 litres of water and apply through fertigation.

Drip Irrigation

Apply 2 litres of BIO- MIRROR SHOT Per acre.


Recommend Crops: Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton,Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage,Cashew,Beetroot, Carrot,Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc

Benefits of SILENT GROW:

Disease Management:

* Improve the plant growth.
* Increase the disease resistance against bacterial and fungal pathogen.
* It can be controlled as Fusairum, Rhizoctonia,pythium, pytophthora, phytomatotricm, Aphanmyces, Monosparascus, Armillaria, Alternaria solani, pyricularia, monilinia, Collectotrichum,Cladosporium other target pests include powdery mildew and fungal pathogens that attack plant foliage.
* Bio Fungicide on Vegitables,seeds,turf grass, Ornamentals,Cut flowers,Bulbs,and Pot plants.
* 5 to 10% increase the yield.

Mode of action:

When applied into the soil or foliage,the bacterium Colonizes the root zone and grows around the structure of the plant .The microbe forms a synergistic relationship with the plant and produces anti -fungal Metabolites which can kill the plant pathogenic fungi. Exclusionism and parasitism are the other two benefits out of this bacterium.

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment: Mix 20 ml BIO- SHOT with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes. Apply it to the Soil through Water(Drip)


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil. Mix 2 Litres of BIO- SHOT Per acre with 200 litres of water and apply through fertigation.

Drip Irrigation:

Apply 2 liters of BIO-SHOT Per acre.


Recommend Crops: Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton,Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage,Cashew,Beetroot, Carrot,Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc

Benefits of TRIBLE LR:

Triple LR is a Bio-Control agent produced by using Trichoderma viride, T.harzianum and T.longibrachiatum. This formulation is a very effective biological mean for plant disease management.It is highly i n t e r a c t i v e i n r o o t , s o i l a n d f o l i e r e n v i r o n m e n t s It can Inhibit and eliminate pathogens through different mechanisms like Competition,antibiosis,mycoparasitism,hyphal interactions, and enzyme secreation.

Benefits of SILENT GROW:

Disease Management:

This is a unique formulation which can serve as a pontent Bio-Control agent that could prevent soil-borne infections caused by Fusarium,phytopthara ,Scelerotia etc. The application of Root L3 increases the number of deep roots Triple LR Trico Solubilize phosphates and micronutrients. Ability to degrade a wide range of insecticides Triple LR Trico induce ethylene Production, hypersensitive responses and other defense related reactions in plant Cultivars.

Mode of action:

Mix 20 ml TRIBLE-LR with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes. Apply it to the Soil through Water(Drip)

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment: Mix 20 ml BIO- SHOT with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes. Apply it to the Soil through Water(Drip)


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water. Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil. Mix 2 Litres of TRIBLE-LR Per acre with 200 litres of water and apply through fertigation.

Drip Irrigation:

Apply 2 litres of TRIBLE-LR Per acre.
