+91 6369975492 | +91 8940964540 | +91 6379956529


Recommend Crops: Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton, Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage,Cashew, Beetroot, Carrot, Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc

Benefits of VERTIL-SHOT:

*Target pests Whiteflies
*Thrips, Aphids and Mealy bugs.

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment: The product should be sprayed on the foliage of plants using hand, ground, or aerial spray equipment. It is advisable to provide good coverage on the undersides of the leaves. should be repeated at least once in 15-20 days for four times. For greenhouse pest problems, applications every 10-15 days are recommended. All applications should be based on the monitoring of pest populations.


Mix 20 ml VERTIL-SHOT with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes.



Recommend Crops:

Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton, Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage,Cashew, Beetroot, Carrot, Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc

Benefits of BIO-ACT XL

* Target pests Whiteflies
* Thrips, Aphids and Mealy bugs.

Disease Management:

The product should be sprayed on foliage of plants using hand, ground, or aerial spray equipment. It is advisable to provide a good coverage on the undersides of the leaves. should be repeated at least once in 15-20 days for four times. For greenhouse pest problems, applications in every 10-15 days are recommended. All applications should be based on monitoring of pest populations.Spary all over the Plant/Apply it to the Soil through Water(Drip).

Method of Application

Seed Treatment: Mix 20 ml BIO- ACT XL with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes.


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of Water Spary. Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil.


Recommend Crops:
Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton,Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage,Cashew,Beetroot, Carrot,Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc

META BALLS is produced by using METARHIZIUM ANISOPLIAE, which is an entomopathogenic fungus that can control many insect pests.

Mode of action:

Upon application of Meta balls in the soil ,the spores get the favourable condition to germinate and there by mycelia develops. When the insects come in to contact with the fungus, it becomes infected by the mycelia and the fungal mycelia starts deriving nutrients from the body fluid of the insect which eventually perishes the insect.

Benefits of META-BALLS:

Meta balls controls stem borer, root grubs, leaf hoppers, cutworms, termites, palm weevils, root weevils, cockroaches, spittlebugs, grubs, beetles, flies, gnats and thrips.

Method of Application:

The product should be sprayed on foliage of plants using hand, ground, or aerial spray equipment. It is advisable to provide a good coverage on the undersides of the leaves. should be repeated at least once in 15-20 days for four times. For greenhouse pest problems, applications in every 10-15 days are recommended. All applications should be based on monitoring of pest populations.Spary all over the Plant/Apply it to the Soil through Water(Drip).
Seed Treatment: Mix 20 ml META-BALLS with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes.


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of Water Spary. Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil.



Recommend Crops:

Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton,Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage,Cashew,Beetroot, Carrot,Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc. Worm attack is produced from Bacillus thuringiensis,a naturally occurring bacterial disease of insects.It is ubiquitous in soil and can be used as bio-insecticide.The organism is endophytic in nature and can survive in plants. During sporulation the bacteria produce crystal proteins that have insecticidal activity.

Mode of Action

Upon application into the field ,the bacterium produces spores and secrets crystals of protein. The proteins are toxic to insects . When insects ingest the cry- toxins,their alkaline digestive tract denature the insoluble crystals,making them soluble and thus amenable to being cut with proteases found in the insect gut,which liberate the toxin from the crystal.

Method of Application:

The product should be sprayed on foliage of plants using hand, ground, or aerial spray equipment. It is advisable to provide a good coverage on the undersides of the leaves. should be repeated at least once in 15-20 days for four times. For greenhouse pest problems, applications in every 10-15 days are recommended. All applications should be based on monitoring of pest populations.Spary all over the Plant/Apply it to the Soil through Water(Drip).
Seed Treatment: Mix 20 ml WORM-ATTACK with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes.


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of Water Spary. Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil.


Recommend Crops: Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton, Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Cashew, Beetroot, Carrot, Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc

Mode of action:

Hirsutella Thompsonii is an entomopathogenic fungus and the spores of the organism, when applied, adhere to the bodies of mites, and special hyphae from the spores use enzymes and mechanical pressure to penetrate through the mite's cuticle to cause infection.

Benefits of CLEAR-MITES:

Target Insects:
Red mite, Yellow mites, Pink mites and Spider mites in plantation crops, vegetable crops, and ornamental plants.

Method of Application:

The product should be sprayed on the foliage of plants using hand, ground, or aerial spray equipment. It is advisable to provide good coverage on the undersides of the leaves. should be repeated at least once in 15-20 days for four times. For greenhouse pest problems, applications every 10-15 days are recommended. All applications should be based on the monitoring of pest populations. Spary all over the Plant.


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of Water Spary. Mix liter of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil.
