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Recommend Crops:
Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton, Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Cashew, Beetroot, Carrot, Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc...|

Salient Features:

NITRO LR is produced from Azospirillum, a free-living soil bacterium that can enhance the growth of numerous crops worldwide through the excretion of various hormones and the bacteria's ability of nitrogen fixation.

Mode of action:

AZOSPIRILLUM is capable of Promoting the growth of plants through the secretion of phyto hormones, the most common being Indole Acetic acid (IAA). IAA along with various other phytohomones alters the metabolism and the morphology of the plant root system in favor of better mineral and water adsorption.

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment: Mix 20ml of Nitro LR with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes.


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water Mix liter of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil. Mix 2 Litres of NITRO-LR Per acre with 200 litres of water and apply through fertigation Drip Irrigation Apply 2 litres of NITRO LR Per acre.

Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterium

Recommend Crops:

Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton, Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Cashew, Beetroot, Carrot, Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc...

Silent features:

Bio-Phospho is produced from Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterium(PSB). free-living soil bacterium that can enhance the growth of Mode of Action Phosphate solubilization takes place through various microbial processes/mechanisms. The action of organic solubilizes inorganic P and inorganic acids secreted by PSB Inorganic acids produced by PSB solubilize insoluble Inorganic acids can also solubilize phosphate but they are less effective compared to organic acids at the same pH

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment: Mix 20ml of PHOSPHO- P with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes.


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil. Mix 2 Litres of NITRO-Lacr Per acre with 200 litres of water and apply through fertigation.

Drip Irrigation

Apply 2 litres of PHOSPHO- P Per acre.



Recommend Crops:

Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton, Potato, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Cashew, Beetroot, Carrot, Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc...

Benefits of POTASH WEIGHT :

Potash weight Solubilizes the potash available in soil minerals into a simple form and enables the crops to uptake . Enriches the other soil micro-flora and maintains a balanced population. It improves soil fertility promotes plant growth and enhances yield potential

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment:

Mix 20ml of POTASH-WEIGHT with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes. Dilution: Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 liter of water
Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and
Broadcast it in the Soil. Mix 2 Litres of POTASH-WEIGHT Per acre with 200 liters of water and apply through fertigation

Drip Irrigation

Apply 2 litres of POTASH -WEIGHT Per acre.



Recommend Crops:

Banana, Tumeric, Sugarcane, Cotton,Potato, Cauliflower,
Cabbage,Cashew,Beetroot, Carrot,Tea, Flowers and Fruits etc...

Benefits of NITRO XL:

NITRO XL Colonizes plant parts,contributes abuntadant Nitrogen to crops,solubilizes mine phosphate,promotes plant growth and enhances yield potential and induces growth hormone (auxins,cytokinins,gibberellins) Production.

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment:

Mix 20ml of NITRO-XL with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes. Dilution:
Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water Mix litre of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil.Mix 2 Litres of NITRO-XL Per acre with 200 litres of water and apply through fertigation.

Spary the Nitro XL at 0.5% Concentration (5ml/litre of water ) at regular interval of one month after transplantation.

Drip Irrigation

Apply 2 litres of NITRO-XL Per acre.



Groundnut, Soybean, Red-gram, Green-gram, Black-gram, Lentil, Cowpea, Bengal-gram and Fodder legumes, etc.

Benefits of ROOT NITRO:

ROOT NITRO is produced from Rhizobium, a free-living soil that induces the formation of special structures (nodules)on the roots of their host plants. Thus a symbiotic association with legume plants is established. This association is symbiotic in that both the plant and rhizobia benefit. The plant supplies the rhizobia with energy in the form of amino acids and the rhizobia fixes nitrogen from the atmosphere for plant uptake.

Mode of Action:

Rhizobium converts dinitrogen into ammonia. Ammonia is toxic,so it is rapidly assimilated into Organic compounds, most of which the bacteria pass to the plant to fulfill it's nutritional need for nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation is an energy-intensive process,and the bacteria take carbon compounds from the plant to fuel it.

Method of Application:

Seed Treatment:
Mix 20ml of ROOT-NITRO with 1kg of seeds and sow the treated seeds after 30 minutes.


Mix 5-10ml liquid in 1 litre of water
Mix liter of Product in 100-500 kg of Compost/FYM and Broadcast it in the Soil. Mix 2 Litres of ROOT-NITRO Per acre with 200 litres of water and apply through fertigation.

Drip Irrigation

Apply 2 liters of ROOT-NITRO Per acre.
